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This website holds data on the basis of users’ consent, which is given via the banner at the bottom of the page, or via the use of the site or navigation within it. Using or navigating the site implies that users and visitors accept this privacy policy and consent to having their data gathered and used in the manner here described for the purposes here listed. This includes sharing of such data with third-parties where necessary to deliver the service requested by the user. Further consent for specific services is obtained from users via the communication forms on this site, or requests for those services made by visitors to the site.
Consenting to the gathering and holding of personal data is entirely optional, and users can refuse to do so, or withdraw at any time a previously-given consent (via the banner at the bottom of the page or the browser settings, or via the Contact page). However, it should be noted that withdrawing or witholding consent can render certain services on this site inoperable, and navigation on this site (or certain sections of it) can as a result become compromised or impossible.


Data is gathered and held for the following reasons (aside from other motives relevant to the service provider):
– Statistical (analysis)
Gathering of data in aggregrated and anonymised form, to assist with the correct functioning of this site. None of this information is connected to specific individuals or users, and in no way allow for the identification of such. It does not require specific consent.
– Security
Gathering of data in order to ensure the security of the site (via anti-spam filters, firewall, virus protection) and of users, and to prevent or uncover frauds or other abuses of this site. The information is gathered automatically, and can ultimately include personal data (IP addresses) which can then be used (in compliance with relevant laws) to block attacks on this site, prevent damage to its users, and block damaging or illegal activity on it. Such data is never used to identify or profle users, and is periodically deleted. No specific consent is required for such cookies.
- Supplemental activity
Data can be shared with third-parties who provide essential or supplemental services to this site (such as comment boxes), and to allow such third-parties to carry out technical, logistical and other activity on our behalf. Such suppliers can only access the personal data necessary for the activity in hand and do not use it for other motives, and are required to treat personal data in strict compliance with relevant legislation.


This site gathers user data in two different ways.
- Data gathered automatically
During navigation, the following information can be gathered and then stored in log files on the hosting server of this site:
- internet protocol (IP) address;
- type of browser used;
- technical information on the device used to connect to our site;
- name of internet service providers (ISP);
- date and time of visits;
- webpage from which users reached our site (referral) and page they exit to;
- the number of clicks made by users.
This data is gathered for statistical and analytical purposes, solely in aggregated form. The IP address is gathered solely for security purposes and is not cross-analysed with any other data.
- Data supplied by users
The site can also gather other data freely supplied by users in certain sections of the site, such as comment services or forms (for contacts, comment boxes), and will be used only to supply the service requested by the user:
- name;
- email address.


All data gathered by this site is stored at the registered office of the Data Handler, and the web Hosting datacenter (C.A.P. srl - Via Thomas Alva Edison 6 - 42049 Calerno di Sant’Ilario d’Enza - Reggio Emilia, Italy), which is responsible for the handling of data, working on them for Data Handler; data is stored within the European Economic Area, and in compliance with relevant European laws.


User data gathered by this site is stored only for the time needed to carry out the operation or request made by users. Once that request has been fulfilled, the data gathered will be deleted or anonymised, unless there are other specific reasons why it should be preserved for longer.
Data gathered to protect this site from attacks or other damage (such as IP addresses) is preserved for 7 days.


Generally, we do not supply data gathered via this site to third-parties, except in specific cases, such as to satisfy valid demands for such information from legal authorities and only as laid down by relevant law; or whenever such a transfer is essential to deliver a service requested by a user; or for security checks and improvements to this site.


This site can share some data gathered with services based outside the EU, in particular Google, Facebook and Microsoft (LinkedIn) via the social plugins on the site, and the Google Analytics service. Such transfer is permitted by EU personal data protection decisions, specifically the Privacy Shield (re: 1250/2016) - click here for more information on EU personal data protection and as such do not require specific or further consent. The companies mentionted above guarantee their adherence to the Privacy Shield and its rules.